For many, many years I felt called to work with children. I was a teacher and always wanted to be a mom. I still feel that I can relate to kids and LOVE being home with my own. She is amazing and funny and is just a true picture of love. But, I am starting to realize more that I may have pigeon holed myself into thinking kids were my thing. More and more I am loving to encourage other women. And it isn't even that I think I do a good job of it, I just love talking with them. I am finding that if I can share something about myself - a struggle, funny story, whatever - and it reaches someone else, it is deeply satisfying to me. I feel like God is speaking to me more clearly than ever (and still a little fuzzy most of the time) and has given me words to share with certain people. I truly feel God at work in my life. I just cannot explain how satisfying that is. This is the first time ever I feel like I am remotely getting at his purpose for me. How amazing! I could go on and on because I've found that when you find something your excited about and passionate about it just wants to spill over.
I am so blessed! I love hearing from my friends who are much wiser that I am. I have learned so much sharing and talking and reading what they've written. I am thankful for those people who have opened my eyes. One of those good friends introduced me to Kim Walker, a worship leader in Redding, CA. Here's a link to one of her songs on YouTube. It is appropriately called I Surrender. Read the words, it is amazing! I hope that God will bless you as you listen!
Katy, you are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing your journey and allowing me to grow along with you!