Monday, June 22, 2009


So, I was thinking about all the different impressions we encounter. There are first impressions, dental impressions, final impressions, impressions on those you date, we seem to be making some kind of impression with every breath. I have to say that I've realized something about these impressions. It's just not worth it.

Yes, there are inevitably impressions that will be made. These are unavoidable. But here's some background on me. I was never really the "popular" girl and questioned a lot of time if someone liked me or not. I was always so worried about making a good impression on friends and not saying anything that would embarrass me that I probably didn't show those friends who I really was. Now, some of them did see - but with others I hid it all I could. Even today, I find myself doing things or saying things to try to impress other people. Come on! I am almost 30 years old, surely this isn't the case. But sadly, it is. I was thinking about a couple people that I've tried to impress so they would "notice" me as a worthy friend. I've come to the conclusion that if I have to try this hard, maybe the friendship just isn't worth it.

At my Bible study last week a very knowledgeable friend was talking about a conviction she was experiencing. She said she felt convicted to be the same person in each setting. You know, we've all done it - wear our different "hats." This is who I am at work, at school, with this group of friends or that group of friends, or worst of all, this is who I am at church. I could totally relate to her. I think we all need to just be the same person, no matter what. I don't want to be one way at home and another at church. I am who I am.

This phrase reminds me of what God tells Moses when he finds out he is going to Pharaoh about releasing the Israelites from Egypt. Moses asks what he should call God if the Israelites ask what his name is. God's answer is "I Am Who I Am." So Moses was going to tell them that "I Am" sent him.

If you really look at those words, they are so incredibly powerful. God is calling himself "I Am." To me, this just shows how unwavering God is. He is the same then as he is now. He is truly the example of being one all the time. He doesn't change his hat depending on who he is. He wasn't one God to Noah and another to Moses. He was and is the same.

I think I am going to try to live like that. As one person - the same person to my daughter, to my husband, to my friends. I think if I do this I won't feel the need to impress people anymore...and that, my friends, will be a great feeling!

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